/* * jQuery spritely 0.6.7 * http://spritely.net/ * * Documentation: * http://spritely.net/documentation/ * * Copyright 2010-2011, Peter Chater, Artlogic Media Ltd, http://www.artlogic.net/ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * */(function($) { $._spritely = { // shared methods and variables used by spritely plugin instances: {}, animate: function(options) { var el = $(options.el); var el_id = el.attr('id'); if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]) { return this; } options = $.extend(options, $._spritely.instances[el_id] || {}); if (options.type == 'sprite' && options.fps) { if (options.play_frames && !$._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames']) { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] = options.play_frames + 1; } else if (options.do_once && !$._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames']) { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] = options.no_of_frames; } var frames; var animate = function(el) { var w = options.width, h = options.height; if (!frames) { frames = []; total = 0 for (var i = 0; i < options.no_of_frames; i ++) { frames[frames.length] = (0 - total); total += w; } } if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] == 0) { if (options.on_first_frame) { options.on_first_frame(el); } } else if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] == frames.length - 1) { if (options.on_last_frame) { options.on_last_frame(el); } } if (options.on_frame && options.on_frame[$._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame']]) { options.on_frame[$._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame']](el); } if (options.rewind == true) { if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] <= 0) { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] = frames.length - 1; } else { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] - 1; }; } else { if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] >= frames.length - 1) { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] = 0; } else { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] + 1; } } var yPos = $._spritely.getBgY(el); el.css('background-position', frames[$._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame']] + 'px ' + yPos); if (options.bounce && options.bounce[0] > 0 && options.bounce[1] > 0) { var ud = options.bounce[0]; // up-down var lr = options.bounce[1]; // left-right var ms = options.bounce[2]; // milliseconds el .animate({top: '+=' + ud + 'px', left: '-=' + lr + 'px'}, ms) .animate({top: '-=' + ud + 'px', left: '+=' + lr + 'px'}, ms); } } if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] && $._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] > 0) { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] --; if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] == 0) { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] = -1; delete $._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames']; return this; } else { animate(el); } } else if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] != -1) { animate(el); } } else if (options.type == 'pan') { if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped']) { // As we pan, reduce the offset to the smallest possible // value to ease the load on the browser. This step is // skipped if the image hasn't loaded yet. var speed = options.speed || 1, start_x = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] || parseInt($._spritely.getBgX(el).replace('px', ''), 10) || 0, start_y = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['t'] || parseInt($._spritely.getBgY(el).replace('px', ''), 10) || 0; if (options.do_once && !$._spritely.instances[el_id].remaining_frames || $._spritely.instances[el_id].remaining_frames <= 0) { switch(options.dir) { case 'up': case 'down': $._spritely.instances[el_id].remaining_frames = Math.floor((options.img_height || 0) / speed); break; case 'left': case 'right': $._spritely.instances[el_id].remaining_frames = Math.floor((options.img_width || 0) / speed); break; } $._spritely.instances[el_id].remaining_frames++; } else if (options.do_once) { $._spritely.instances[el_id].remaining_frames--; } switch (options.dir) { case 'up': speed *= -1; case 'down': if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]['l']) $._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] = start_x; $._spritely.instances[el_id]['t'] = start_y + speed; if (options.img_height) $._spritely.instances[el_id]['t'] %= options.img_height; break; case 'left': speed *= -1; case 'right': if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]['t']) $._spritely.instances[el_id]['t'] = start_y; $._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] = start_x + speed; if (options.img_width) $._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] %= options.img_width; break; } // When assembling the background-position string, care must be taken // to ensure correct formatting. var bg_left = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'].toString(); if (bg_left.indexOf('%') == -1) { bg_left += 'px '; } else { bg_left += ' '; } var bg_top = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['t'].toString(); if (bg_top.indexOf('%') == -1) { bg_top += 'px '; } else { bg_top += ' '; } $(el).css('background-position', bg_left + bg_top); if (options.do_once && !$._spritely.instances[el_id].remaining_frames) { return this; } } } $._spritely.instances[el_id]['options'] = options; $._spritely.instances[el_id]['timeout'] = window.setTimeout(function() { $._spritely.animate(options); }, parseInt(1000 / options.fps)); }, randomIntBetween: function(lower, higher) { return parseInt(rand_no = Math.floor((higher - (lower - 1)) * Math.random()) + lower); }, getBgUseXY: (function() { try { return typeof $('body').css('background-position-x') == 'string'; } catch(e) { return false; } })(), getBgY: function(el) { if ($._spritely.getBgUseXY) { return $(el).css('background-position-y') || '0'; } else { return ($(el).css('background-position') || ' ').split(' ')[1]; } }, getBgX: function(el) { if ($._spritely.getBgUseXY) { return $(el).css('background-position-x') || '0'; } else { return ($(el).css('background-position') || ' ').split(' ')[0]; } }, get_rel_pos: function(pos, w) { // return the position of an item relative to a background // image of width given by w var r = pos; if (pos < 0) { while (r < 0) { r += w; } } else { while (r > w) { r -= w; } } return r; }, _spStrip: function(s, chars) { // Strip any character in 'chars' from the beginning or end of // 'str'. Like Python's .strip() method, or jQuery's $.trim() // function (but allowing you to specify the characters). while (s.length) { var i, sr, nos = false, noe = false; for (i=0;i-1) s = sr; else nos = true; } for (i=0;i -1) s = sr; else noe = true; } if (nos && noe) return s; } return ''; } }; $.fn.extend({ spritely: function(options) { var $this = $(this), el_id = $this.attr('id'), options = $.extend({ type: 'sprite', do_once: false, width: null, height: null, img_width: 0, img_height: 0, fps: 12, no_of_frames: 2, play_frames: 0 }, options || {}), background_image = (new Image()), background_image_src = $._spritely._spStrip($this.css('background-image') || '', 'url("); '); if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]) { if (options.start_at_frame) { $._spritely.instances[el_id] = {current_frame: options.start_at_frame - 1}; } else { $._spritely.instances[el_id] = {current_frame: -1}; } } $._spritely.instances[el_id]['type'] = options.type; $._spritely.instances[el_id]['depth'] = options.depth; options.el = $this; options.width = options.width || $this.width() || 100; options.height = options.height || $this.height() || 100; background_image.onload = function() { options.img_width = background_image.width; options.img_height = background_image.height; options.img = background_image; var get_rate = function() { return parseInt(1000 / options.fps); } if (!options.do_once) { setTimeout(function() { $._spritely.animate(options); }, get_rate(options.fps)); } else { setTimeout(function() { $._spritely.animate(options); }, 0); } } background_image.src = background_image_src; return this; }, sprite: function(options) { var options = $.extend({ type: 'sprite', bounce: [0, 0, 1000] // up-down, left-right, milliseconds }, options || {}); return $(this).spritely(options); }, pan: function(options) { var options = $.extend({ type: 'pan', dir: 'left', continuous: true, speed: 1 // 1 pixel per frame }, options || {}); return $(this).spritely(options); }, flyToTap: function(options) { var options = $.extend({ el_to_move: null, type: 'moveToTap', ms: 1000, // milliseconds do_once: true }, options || {}); if (options.el_to_move) { $(options.el_to_move).active(); } if ($._spritely.activeSprite) { if (window.Touch) { // iphone method see http://cubiq.org/remove-onclick-delay-on-webkit-for-iphone/9 or http://www.nimblekit.com/tutorials.html for clues... $(this)[0].ontouchstart = function(e) { var el_to_move = $._spritely.activeSprite; var touch = e.touches[0]; var t = touch.pageY - (el_to_move.height() / 2); var l = touch.pageX - (el_to_move.width() / 2); el_to_move.animate({ top: t + 'px', left: l + 'px' }, 1000); }; } else { $(this).click(function(e) { var el_to_move = $._spritely.activeSprite; $(el_to_move).stop(true); var w = el_to_move.width(); var h = el_to_move.height(); var l = e.pageX - (w / 2); var t = e.pageY - (h / 2); el_to_move.animate({ top: t + 'px', left: l + 'px' }, 1000); }); } } return this; }, // isDraggable requires jQuery ui isDraggable: function(options) { if ((!$(this).draggable)) { //console.log('To use the isDraggable method you need to load jquery-ui.js'); return this; } var options = $.extend({ type: 'isDraggable', start: null, stop: null, drag: null }, options || {}); var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]) { return this; } $._spritely.instances[el_id].isDraggableOptions = options; $(this).draggable({ start: function() { var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); $._spritely.instances[el_id].stop_random = true; $(this).stop(true); if ($._spritely.instances[el_id].isDraggableOptions.start) { $._spritely.instances[el_id].isDraggableOptions.start(this); } }, drag: options.drag, stop: function() { var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); $._spritely.instances[el_id].stop_random = false; if ($._spritely.instances[el_id].isDraggableOptions.stop) { $._spritely.instances[el_id].isDraggableOptions.stop(this); } } }); return this; }, active: function() { // the active sprite $._spritely.activeSprite = this; return this; }, activeOnClick: function() { // make this the active script if clicked... var el = $(this); if (window.Touch) { // iphone method see http://cubiq.org/remove-onclick-delay-on-webkit-for-iphone/9 or http://www.nimblekit.com/tutorials.html for clues... el[0].ontouchstart = function(e) { $._spritely.activeSprite = el; }; } else { el.click(function(e) { $._spritely.activeSprite = el; }); } return this; }, spRandom: function(options) { var options = $.extend({ top: 50, left: 50, right: 290, bottom: 320, speed: 4000, pause: 0 }, options || {}); var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]) { return this; } if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id].stop_random) { var r = $._spritely.randomIntBetween; var t = r(options.top, options.bottom); var l = r(options.left, options.right); $('#' + el_id).animate({ top: t + 'px', left: l + 'px' }, options.speed) } window.setTimeout(function() { $('#' + el_id).spRandom(options); }, options.speed + options.pause) return this; }, makeAbsolute: function() { // remove an element from its current position in the DOM and // position it absolutely, appended to the body tag. return this.each(function() { var el = $(this); var pos = el.position(); el.css({position: "absolute", marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0, top: pos.top, left: pos.left }) .remove() .appendTo("body"); }); }, spSet: function(prop_name, prop_value) { var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); $._spritely.instances[el_id][prop_name] = prop_value; return this; }, spGet: function(prop_name, prop_value) { var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); return $._spritely.instances[el_id][prop_name]; }, spStop: function(bool) { this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), el_id = $this.attr('id'); if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['options']['fps']) { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_last_fps'] = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['options']['fps']; } if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['type'] == 'sprite') { $this.spSet('fps', 0); } $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped'] = true; $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped_f1'] = bool; if (bool) { // set background image position to 0 var bp_top = $._spritely.getBgY($(this)); $this.css('background-position', '0 ' + bp_top); } }); return this; }, spStart: function() { $(this).each(function() { var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); var fps = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_last_fps'] || 12; if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['type'] == 'sprite') { $(this).spSet('fps', fps); } $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped'] = false; }); return this; }, spToggle: function() { var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); var stopped = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped'] || false; var stopped_f1 = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped_f1'] || false; if (stopped) { $(this).spStart(); } else { $(this).spStop(stopped_f1); } return this; }, fps: function(fps) { $(this).each(function() { $(this).spSet('fps', fps); }); return this; }, goToFrame: function(n) { var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); if ($._spritely.instances && $._spritely.instances[el_id]) { $._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] = n - 1; } return this; }, spSpeed: function(speed) { $(this).each(function() { $(this).spSet('speed', speed); }); return this; }, spRelSpeed: function(speed) { $(this).each(function() { var rel_depth = $(this).spGet('depth') / 100; $(this).spSet('speed', speed * rel_depth); }); return this; }, spChangeDir: function(dir) { $(this).each(function() { $(this).spSet('dir', dir); }); return this; }, spState: function(n) { $(this).each(function() { // change state of a sprite, where state is the vertical // position of the background image (e.g. frames row) var yPos = ((n - 1) * $(this).height()) + 'px'; var xPos = $._spritely.getBgX($(this)); var bp = xPos + ' -' + yPos; $(this).css('background-position', bp); }); return this; }, lockTo: function(el, options) { $(this).each(function() { var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]) { return this; } $._spritely.instances[el_id]['locked_el'] = $(this); $._spritely.instances[el_id]['lock_to'] = $(el); $._spritely.instances[el_id]['lock_to_options'] = options; $._spritely.instances[el_id]['interval'] = window.setInterval(function() { if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['lock_to']) { var locked_el = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['locked_el']; var locked_to_el = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['lock_to']; var locked_to_options = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['lock_to_options']; var locked_to_el_w = locked_to_options.bg_img_width; var locked_to_el_h = locked_to_el.height(); var locked_to_el_y = $._spritely.getBgY(locked_to_el); var locked_to_el_x = $._spritely.getBgX(locked_to_el); var el_l = (parseInt(locked_to_el_x) + parseInt(locked_to_options['left'])); var el_t = (parseInt(locked_to_el_y) + parseInt(locked_to_options['top'])); el_l = $._spritely.get_rel_pos(el_l, locked_to_el_w); $(locked_el).css({ 'top': el_t + 'px', 'left': el_l + 'px' }); } }, options.interval || 20); }); return this; }, destroy: function() { var el = $(this); var el_id = $(this).attr('id'); if ($._spritely.instances[el_id] && $._spritely.instances[el_id]['timeout']){ window.clearTimeout($._spritely.instances[el_id]['timeout']); } if ($._spritely.instances[el_id] && $._spritely.instances[el_id]['interval']) { window.clearInterval($._spritely.instances[el_id]['interval']); } delete $._spritely.instances[el_id] return this; } })})(jQuery);// Stop IE6 re-loading background images continuouslytry { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);} catch(err) {}